Thursday, January 24, 2008

Victor Erice

He makes movies in intervals that are unthinkable in our modern life's pace and furious rhythm:
Every ten years!

I admit I did not know about him until I visited the mesmerizing exhibition: "Kiariostami - Erice Correspondences" in Pompidou in Paris, where i came across glimpses of his work and some of his short films...

Despite his scarce filmmaking, he is considered by most critics and cinephils as one of the few Auteurs of modern cinema.

After seeing "The spirit of the Beehive" (Criterion Collection) I was thinking how lucky we are today that with the "help" of caring about something and keeping an open mind we can be exposed at will to spectacles/experiences which were a lot more difficult to find before.

The following short movie is a 10 minute piece called "Lifeline", shot in 2002 as a part of "Ten minutes older" a collaborating movie with 6 other directors doing their part.

I had a chance to see it in Pompidou, and it is simply wonderful. Enjoy.

From Senses of Cinema, an article on Erice.


nomansland said...


...thank you...

lazopolis said...

Astonishing indeed. Only a few of the short films that came with it, in the "ten minutes older" collaboration were worthy though. The bigger the name the greater the dissapointment, actually. This one saved the day of course.